Agenda and Documents

Entire Agenda

The meeting will be held as a four day virtual Microsoft Teams meeting on September 13, 15, 20 and 22, 2022. Each day has a half-day agenda. The times are given in American Eastern Daylight Time (EDT, UTC -4).

Printable PDF version (PDF, 183 KB)

Daily agendas

Daily agendas including links to documents (papers and presentations)

  1. Tuesday, September 13th
    Time (EDT, UTC‑4) Item
    06:00-06:10 AM Opening Remarks & Meeting Agenda Overview
    Voorburg Group co-chairs: Marcus Fridén (Sweden) / Bonnie Murphy (US)
    06:10-06:20 AM Welcome Remarks by Statistics Canada
    Chief Statistician of Canada, Anil Arora, (Video, MP4, 750,119 KB)
    06:20-06:30 AM Presentation of results from the Voorburg Group Alternative Data Survey
    Dragos Ifrim (Canada), Rohan Draper (Denmark) (Presentation, PDF, 1,391 KB) (Misc, XLSX, 1,780 KB)
    06:30-06:50 AM Session: Revisited Sector Paper – ISIC 77.30 Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods
    Melanie Santiago (USBLS) (Paper, PDF, 261 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 1,098 KB)
    06:50-07:20 AM Session: Cross cutting topic (1) – Alternative data in SPPI on air passenger
    Nicolas Studer (France) (Presentation, PDF, 153 KB)
    07:20-07:45 AM Session: Continuation of IMF collaboration (final results paper)
    Andrew Baer (IMF), India, Japan, UK (Presentation, PDF, 619 KB)
    07:45-08:00 AM Break
    08:00-08:30 AM Poster session – Experiences of modernising production systems
    Dragos Ifrim and Xin Ha (Canada) (Poster, PDF, 975 KB)
    08:30-09:00 AM Mini-presentation – Data center colocation (addition to ISIC 63.11 presented in Paris 2019)
    Dennis Matthijs (Netherlands) (Paper, PDF, 592 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 1,193 KB)
    09:00-09:15 AM Discussions on Data center colocation
    09:15-9:30 AM Discussion on new Voorburg mandate including imports, potential topics for the in-person 2023 Voorburg Group meeting
  2. Thursday, September 15th
    Time (EDT, UTC‑4) Item
    06:00-06:45 AM Cross cutting topic (2) – Innovative price or output products that incorporate combined domestic and import prices or output in published data
    Moegi Inoue (Japan) (Presentation, PDF, 703 KB), Jon Weinhagen (US BLS) (Paper, PDF, 757 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 1,180 KB)
    06:45-08:00 AM Session: Industry presentations – ISIC 85 Education
    Session leader: Christian Puchter (Austria) (Presentation, PDF, 626 KB)
    Output: Barbro von Hofsten (Sweden) (Paper, PDF, 234 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 234 KB), Ramon Bravo (Mexico) (Paper, PDF, 362 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 7,787 KB)
    Prices: Hayden Swegal and Heather Halwani (US BLS) (Presentation, PDF, 617 KB)
    Discussant: Erika Barrera (Chile) (Presentation, PDF, 435 KB)
    08:00-08:15 AM Break
    08:15-09:30 AM Cross cutting topic (4) – Dealing with economic shocks
    Session leader: Christian Stock (Austria) (Presentation, PDF, 660 KB)
    Marie-Christine Bernard (Canada) (Paper, PDF, 520 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 954 KB), Mariah Nilsson (Sweden) (Paper, PDF, 162 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 306 KB), Ram Singh (India) (Paper, PDF, 559 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 327 KB)
    09:30-09:45 AM Discussion on 2023 collaborative guidance paper on SPPI and output compilation during economic shocks including best practices for producing output and price indices during these periods.
  3. Tuesday, September 20th
    Time (EDT, UTC‑4) Item
    06:00-07:00 AM Session: Cross-cutting Topic (5) – E-commerce
    Session leader: Ruth Vizner (Israel) (Presentation, PDF, 360 KB)
    Suzanne Conard, Tristan St. Onge and Edward Watkins (US Census Bureau) (Paper, PDF, 468 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 1,323 KB), Diana Wyman, Jason Aston, Erika Rodrigues and Mark Uhrbach (Canada) (Paper, PDF, 426 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 2,343 KB)
    07:00-07:20 AM Discussion on E-commerce
    07:20-07:40 AM Session: Cross cutting topic (6) – Quality Change
    Rob Bucknall, Katherine Chant, Leon Chan (UK) (Paper, PDF, 777 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 921 KB)
    07:40-07:55 AM Break
    07:55-08:10 AM Presentation of participation in Ottawa meeting
    Alignment of Methodology and Scope between Services Producer Price Indices (SPPIs) and Consumer Price Indices (CPIs): Developing a framework for using CPIs in SPPI calculation
    Rohan Draper and Nicklas Elversøe (Denmark), Antonia Bertin, Swann-Emilien Maillefert and Jean-Marie Fournier (France), Dorothee Blang (Germany), Ruth Vizner (Israel), Ana Maria Aizcorbe and Melanie Santiago (USA) (Paper, PDF, 577 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 1,305 KB)
    08:10-08:20 AM Presentation of results from Task Force on Outreach
    Karin Blix (Denmark), Riikka Korhonen (UK) (Presentation, PDF, 224 KB)
    08:20-08:30 AM Presentation from the UN Statistics Division on Yammer
    Alexander Loschky (UN), Yuxi Zhang (UN) (Presentation, PDF, 1,469 KB)
    08:30-08:45 AM Vision for collaboration between meetings
    08:45-9:15 AM Classification topic – Wholesale trade
    Ruth Vizner (Israel) (Presentation, PDF, 437 KB)
    09:15-9:45 AM Poster session – Experiences of modernising production systems
    Andrew Carey (UK) (Poster, PDF, 96 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 685 KB)
  4. Thursday, September 22nd
    Time (EDT, UTC‑4) Item
    06:00-06:30 AM Session: Cross cutting topic (7) – Data gaps and measurement issues with the online intermediary platforms (Air BnB, Uber, etc.)
    Session leader: Ulla Virtanen (Finland) (Presentation, PDF, 777 KB)
    Angela Hernandez Santacoloma (Switzerland) (Paper, PDF, 1,108 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 555 KB), Edwin Boey (Singapore) (Paper, PDF, 463 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 615 KB)
    06:30-06:45 AM Discussions on Cross cutting topic (7) – Data gaps and measurement issues with the online intermediary platforms (Air BnB, Uber, etc.)
    06:45-07:15 AM Presentation from Task Force on criteria for fitness for use of alternative data
    Anthony Dawson (Ireland), Kyle Virgin and Martin J. Beaulieu (Canada), Scott Kilbey (UK), Rohan Draper (Denmark) (Paper, PDF, 4,002 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 1,122 KB)
    07:15-7:30 AM Discussion on criteria for fitness for use of alternative data
    07:30-08:00 AM Session: Cross cutting topic (3) – Trade asymmetries and imports of services
    John Jeremy (UK) (Paper, PDF, 51 KB) (Presentation, PDF, 235 KB)
    08:00-09:00 AM Session: VG 2023 meeting planning
    Session leader: Voorburg Group co-chairs
    VG Governance and Bureau Representation
    Future Agenda
    Assignment of Sector Papers
    Designation of Industries and Assignments for VG 2023
    Designation of Papers on Cross-cutting topics for VG 2023
    Task Force assignments (if applicable)
    (Presentation, PDF, 600 KB)
    09:00-09:15 AM Break
    09:15-09:45 AM Sign up for 2023 contributions
    09:45-10:15 AM Conclude VG 2023 meeting plan
    Designation of Assignments for VG 2023
    Meeting Arrangements for Next Year
    Closing Remarks
    (Presentation, PDF, 2,940 KB)

Notes to presenters


Proceedings manuscripts

List of participants

  • This is the official list of the participants in the meeting. Coming Soon!
  • Date modified: